Electrophysiologicalproperties of inhibitory neurones in dissociated hippocampal culture
A. A. Moskalyuk, Yu.A. Kolodin, N.A. Kravchenko, S. A.Fedulova, N.S. Veselovsky
International Center for Molecular Physiology, Kiev,Ukraine;A.A. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academy ofSciences of Ukraine, Kiev.

Electrophysiological properties of inhibitory (GABAergic)
neurones were studied in dissociated hippocampal culture using
simultaneous whole cell recordings from pairs of
monosynaptically coupled neurons. Reliable identification of
GABAergic neuron was performed by presence of monosynaptic
inhibitory currents at postsynaptic cell in response
to action potentials at stimulated cell. It was shown that
GABAergic neurons in hippocampal culture are divided in
two groups by their firing characteristics: first type generates
action potentials at high frequency in response to injection of
current (duration 0.5 s) - fast-spiking neurons (FS), cells from
second type has no ability for high-frequency action potential
generation - regular spiking neurons (RS). These two groups
were distinguished by kinetic characteristics of action potentials,
adaptation characteristics during continuous generation
of action potentials and inhibitory effect making on postsynaptic
cell. Application of potassium channel blocker 4-AP to
somas of FS neurons in concentration, which selectively inhibits
Kv3 potassium channels evoked reversible changes in
kinetic of action potentials, frequency and adaptation
characteristics during continuous generation of action potentials.
It was concluded that there is hight level of expression of Kv3
potassium channels in the first group of neurons.
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