Transfer Factorof Immune Reactivity as a Modulator of the Rat’s LymphocytesFunctional Activity with Radiation Induced Hypothyroidism
Goleva E. G., Pasteur I. P., Lyubchenko T. A., Pasteur E. U.,Kholodna L. S., Zamotaeva G. A., Grodzinsky D. M
Taras Shevhenko National University, Kiev;V. P. Komissarenko Instititute of Endocrinology and Metabolism,Academy of Medical Sciences of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev
The transplantation of the thyroid tissue is one of the perspective methods for
rehabilitation of thyroid gland functional disorders that appear due to the influence
of insufficient environmental conditions on organism. By means of micromethod of
lymphocyte blasttransformation reaction on the base of [3Н]-thymidine shift the func-
tional activity of the Wistar rat’s splenocytes was studied in case of radiation induced
hypothyroidism with or without xenotransplantation of newborn pig thyroid gland
organ culture. It was found that the level of thyroxine and triiodothyronine signi-
fically decreased in serum of irradiated animals, the lymphocyte proliferation level
was also reduced (by means of radioiodine introduction in dose of 8,325 МBk/mmole).
Application of thyroid gland tissue xenotransplantate in this model of hypothyroidism
helped to achieve the increasing of thyroid hormones levels in serum and rehabilitation
of lymphocytes functional activity. The opportunities for correction of immunological
disorders with the help of transfer factor of immune reactivity preparates were inves-
tigated. Transfer factor — is a low-molecular weight leukocyte extract (Ј 10 kD)
with immunomodulating activities. This preparates activated the proliferation of sple-
nocytes from animals with hypothyroidism and animals with hypothyroidism after
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