Regulation of intracellular calciumreleasedchannels in secretory cells of chironomus plumosus larvae by cyclicnucleotides
S.V.Bychkova, V.V. Man’ko, M.Yu.Klevets
I.Franko Univercity, Lviv

We investigate action of cAMP and cGMP on calcium con-
tent in tissue of salivary gland of Chironomus plumosus larvae
L. using arsenaso III. In order to permeabilize cells we incu-
bate it in medium with saponine (0,1 mg/ml during 10 min)
with next incubation in necessary solution. The internal incu-
bation solution contents (in mM): 15.3 NaCl, 129.94 KCl,
0.35 Na 2HPO 4, 0.44 KH 2PO 4, 5.55 glucose, pH 7.0. It was
shown that cAMP (1mkM) didn’t cause release calcium
through IP3-channels, because IP3 didn’t intensify affect of
cAMP, which has been established before. We observed that
cAMP (100mkM) intensified ryanodine’s action to increase
calcium content in saponin-treated gland tissue. We concluded
that cAMP (100mkM) activated calcium releasing though ry-
anodine-sensitive channels and inhibited IP3-dependent
calcium releasing without any stimulation. Different
concentration of cGMP didn’t cause change in calcium con-
tent in saponin-treated gland tissue. But at presence of
tapsigargine in incubation medium cGMP (100mkM) inhib-
ited Са 2+-released channels.
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