Influence of thermodestruction products of synthetic materialson external respiration and acid-base blood values
T.I.Tavolzshanova , K.V. Rozova
V.I. Vernadski Tavriysky National University, Simferopol

The infradian rhythmicity of the open-field behavior of rats under the influence of EHF . waves was investigated. It was shown the development if desynchronosis under the influence of EHF . waves on intact rats. Under the influence of EHF . waves the development if desynchronosis on hypokinesic rats was remarkable decreased. It was found that EHF . waves are able to modify the temporary organization of physiological systems, however, the magnitude and the character of these changes depend on functional state of the organism.It has been suggested that the ability of EHF . waves to modify temporary organization of physiological systems plays an important role in mechanisms of their biological action.
© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2025.