Age-related changes in fatty acid composition of theerythrocyte membrane
V. Lishnevskaya, T.Bruzgina, O.Korkushko
Institute of Gerontology of AMS of Ukraine, KievNational Medical University, Kiev
Taking into account the prerequisites existing in elderly people
for disturbances in metabolism of polyunsaturated fatty acids
(PUFA) which are risk factors of cardiovascular pathology,
we studied the content of separate fractions of fatty acids
(FA) in erythrocyte membrane of practically healthy people
aged over 60. Seventeen practically healthy subjects aged
60-74 were investigated. All of them have been under long-term observation at the Institute of gerontology, AMS of
Ukraine. A thorough preliminary examination proved them to
be free from any pathology which might affect the results of
studying the lipid composition of erythrocyte membrane.
Twenty healthy subjects aged 20-29 served as controls. The
fractions of FA as well as HDL and LDL were determined in
erythrocyte membrane. In elderly healthy people the results
obtained have shown a statistically significant decrease in the
content of unsaturated FA and PUFA in erythrocyte membrane.
The level of PUSFA decreased due to both ω-6 and ω-3
fractions as well as at the expense of their precursors. However, the decrease in the level of ω-3 fraction was more
pronounced. As evidenced by a decrease in the content of unsaturated FA and PUFA in lipoproteins of both high and low
density, the disturbance of PUFA transport by lipoproteins is
one of the mechanisms of the decrease in PUFA level in the
erythrocyte membrane.
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2024.