Renal mechanisms of protective potassium effectunder essential hypertension
M.V. Kryshtal, T.V. Kukoba, O.O. Moybenko
A. Bogomoletz National Medical University, *A. BogomoletzInstitute of Physiology, National Academy of Sciensec ofUkraine, Kiev
In experiments on nonlinear rats, the renal functions were in-
vestigated at aqueous diuresis induced by intragastric admin-
istration of sodium potassium, potassium hydrocarbonate
(20 mM/kg ), and potassium succinate (10 mM/kg). We have
found that the load by potassium raised glomerular filtration
rate and sharply increased excretion of not only K + but also
Na+ and Cl- with urine, that led to hyponatremia and hypochloremia
following hyperkalemia. In addition, the intracellular con-
centration of K+ increased more than extracellular one,
especially after administrating КНСО3 and potassium
succinate. It promoted potassium efflux from cells by concen-
tration gradient, hyperpolarization of cellular membrane and
vascular smooth muscle relaxation. Thus, these data explain
renal mechanisms of a known protective effect of potassium
at essential hypertension.
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