Release of unidentified mitochondrialsubstances – evidence for mitochond-rial permeability transition poreopening in heart mitochondria of rats
V.F. Sagach, H.L. Vavilova, O.V. Rudyk, N.A. Strutyns’ka
O.O.Bohomoletz Institute of PhysiologyNational Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kiev
In experiments in vitro on isolated heart mitochondria of rats,
an activation of mitochondrial permeability transition pore
(PTP) was induced by either modelling an oxidative stress
with PTP-inductor phenylarsine oxide (PAO) or by calcium
overload (CaCl 2). PTP-opening was determined
spectrophotometrically (λ = 520 nm) by a decrease in an optical density
(OD), resulting from mitochondrial swelling. We also observed
a release of mitochondrial unidentified substances (mitochondrial
factor, MF) registered spectrophotometrically in a range
of waves λ = 230-260 nm. Both correlation between mitochondrial
swelling and a release of the mitochondrial factor
have been found in experiments with PAO at concentrations
10 -7-10 -4 mol/l, and in those with СаСl 2 at concentrations
10 -6-10 -4 mol/l. The classical inhibitor of mitochondrial PTP
cyclosporin A (Cs A, 10 -5 mol/l) inhibited mitochondrial swelling
and a release of that factor completely. Our experimental
data give evidence for mitochondrial origin of the factor and
its release following PTP-opening by PTP-inductors - PAO
and СаСl 2. Mitochondrial swelling that accompanied the factor’s
release might contribute to PTP-opening and be useful
in defining the mitochondrial sensitivity either with inductors
or inhibitors of mitochondrial PTP in different tissues
under normal and pathological states of organism.
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