Features physiological reactivity cardiorespiratory system of the juvenilesportsmen
Y.A.Polataiko, I.V.Radysh
Prekarpatsky University,People’s Friendship University of Russia
In work is shown, that the sports training on endurance is
accompanied functional economization of the cardiorespiratory
system (CRS) in rest shown in downstroke of specific
sizes of consumption of oxygenium, pulmonary ventilation
and central hemodynamics, transport of oxygenium by the
blood. The ways of adaptation of CRS and augmentation of its
potential during long-term training of the juvenile sportsmen
should be focused on creation of optimum conditions for formation
gain physical loads of the and mobilization characteristics
of functional reactions directed on delivery of oxygenium
to working bodies, avoiding an excavation of the tendency of
«accustoming» to a disadvantage of oxygenium and excess of
products of an exchange.
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