Some Effector Reactions of Immune Systemunder the Influence of Nonpeptide Spleen Facto
Tronko М. D., Bykova L. M., Boyko M. G., Synelnykova G. L.,Olyinik B. V
V. P. Komissarenko Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism,Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev
The influence of low molecular nonpeptide preparation splenosid obtained from bovine
spleen on the cytotoxic activity of natural killers, reaction of complement binding
and the immune responsibility was investigated. It was shown that even single treatment
of rats with splenosid in a dose of 300 mkg/100 g in 48 hours stimulates the cytolytic
activity of splenocytes on target cells (sheep erythrocytes). The same results were
obtained in vitro. The treatment of quinea pigs with splenosid reduces the complement
activity in serum. This preparation depresses the splenocyte immunoreactivity in
sensibilyzed mice in a dose — dependent manner. The data obtained complete our
knowleges about biological activity of splenosid.
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