Peculiarities of the reaction of respiration tohypoxia in aging
O.V.Korkushko, V.Yu.Lishnevskaya, V.P.Chizhova, T.V.Ruhlyada, G.V.Duzhak
Institute of gerontology AMS of Ukraine, Kie
The purpose of the research was to investigate the peculiarities
of ventilatory reaction to hypoxia with the elderly and old
people. 27 practically healthy young (20-35 years), 24 elderly
(60-74 years) and old (older 74 years) people were examined.
The influence of hypoxia on the gas exchange was investigated
during the respiration of gas mixtures with 17 % and 12,5 % of
oxygen content (during 12 minutes), that corresponds to
1500 m and 4000 m above sea level. The parameters of ventilating
function of the lung were determined on the spirograf
СГ-1М. Oxygen tension in arterial blood (paO2) was
determined with the device «AVL» by «OMNI» (Austria).
The curves of ventilating dependence on paO2 for the young
and old people are plotted using the mathematical model. It
was shown, that with aging the “steepness” of curve’s dependence
on the ventilatory answer from the degree of hypoxemia
decreases, that testifies to the decrease of chemoreflex sensitivity.
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2024.