Українська English

ISSN 2522-9028 (Print)
ISSN 2522-9036 (Online)

Fiziologichnyi Zhurnal

is a scientific journal issued by the

Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Editor-in-chief: V.F. Sagach

The journal was founded in 1955 as
1955 – 1977 "Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal" (ISSN 0015 – 3311)
1978 – 1993 "Fiziologicheskii zhurnal" (ISSN 0201 – 8489)
1994 – 2016 "Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal" (ISSN 0201 – 8489)
2017 – "Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal" (ISSN 2522-9028)

Fiziol. Zh. 2003; 49(3): 11-16

Classifications of hypoxical, hypo- and hypercapnical conditions

N.A.Agadjanyan, A.Ya.Chizhov

    University of people frendship, Moskow


The new classifications of hypoxical, hypo- and hypercapnical conditions are elaborated. They take into account the ecological factors in the development of various kinds of exogenic hypoxia, hypercapnia. For the first time the positive sides of physiological hypoxia and hypercapnia are brought in. In all classification til the last days hypoxia was considered as pathological process only. However hypoxia can be met in different physiologic conditions of organism: internal period of fetus development, hard physical work, increased sportsmen activity, hypoxia after hearty meal, hypoxia of aged organism. The same it is possible to say about the hypo- and hypercapnical conditions.


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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2024.