Heart rhythm of students with differentindividual - typological characteristics of the higher nervous activity at examination stress
N. V. Makarenko, V. S. Lisogub, L. I. Yuchimenko
Ін-т фізіології ім. О.О.Богомольця НАН України,Київ

The responses of the vegetative nervous system to a stress
situation at the examination psycho - emotional strain were
investigated on the students possessing different individual
typological characteristics of the higher nervous activity
(HNA). We observed a decrease in the parasympathetic influences
on the heart rate and an activation of the humoral - metabolic and sympathetic influences in all the students under
exploration. It was also shown that the resistance of the
students to the examination stress and the type of their
vegetative reactions, to a large extent, were determined by
both the individual - typological peculiarities of the HNA
and the initial psychological state. The question if the vegetative
supply of the mental activity at the examination stress
reflects the individual - typological characteristics of the HNA
has being discussed.
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2025.