Українська English

ISSN 2522-9028 (Print)
ISSN 2522-9036 (Online)

Fiziologichnyi Zhurnal

is a scientific journal issued by the

Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Editor-in-chief: V.F. Sagach

The journal was founded in 1955 as
1955 – 1977 "Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal" (ISSN 0015 – 3311)
1978 – 1993 "Fiziologicheskii zhurnal" (ISSN 0201 – 8489)
1994 – 2016 "Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal" (ISSN 0201 – 8489)
2017 – "Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal" (ISSN 2522-9028)

Fiziol. Zh. 2003; 49(1): 23-27

Action of a phenazepam metabolite, 2-amino-5-bromo-2'-chlorobenzophenone, onglycine and nmda receptors of rat hippocampal pyramidal neurones

M. V. Kopanitsa

    Ін-т фізіології ім. О. О. Богомольця НАН України, Київ


Action of 2-amino-5-bromo-2'-chlorobenzophenone (ABPH), a metabolite of phenazepam, on currents evoked by the activation of glycine and glutamate NMDA receptors has been investigated in enzymatically isolated hippocampal rat pyramidal neurones. It is demonstrated that 3 - 10 μM ABPH caused an inhibitory effect on glycine receptors which was more prominent after pre-incubation with the drug. Peak amplitude of NMDA receptor-mediated currents was weakly potentiated after prolonged (4-6 min) incubation with 10 μM ABPH. Thus, the effects of the benzophenone metabolites should be taken into account when analysing the action of phenazepam and other benzodiazepine drugs.


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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2025.