Leukocyte profile of laying hens’ blood under subchronic intake of sodium bromide with feed
Yu.M. Koreneva, V.S. Boiko, L.V. Kovalenko, I.O. Gerilovych, A.P. Paliy, O.V. Pavlichenko
- National Scientific Center “Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz71.01.020

The optimal physiological development and productivity of poultry depends on the intake of essential macroand microelements at levels that ensure the safety and quality of the resulting products (meat and eggs). It is
important to note that both a lack and an excess of elements can lead to organ and system dysfunction. For
instance, even small doses of bromine can cause hepatocyte dysfunction and disruptions to the endocrine and
genitourinary systems. Additionally, the ability of these elements to accumulate in eggs and meat makes the
products potentially dangerous for human consumption. Our work aimed to investigate the blood leukocyte
profile of laying hens under subchronic intake of sodium bromide with feed and calculate integral leukocyte
indices that allow assessing the state of the immune system and the degree of endogenous intoxication of the
body. We also aimed to determine the strategy for further therapeutic or preventive measures. It was found
that the intake of sodium bromide (by bromine) in the body of laying hens for 28 days in doses of 10.0 mg/kg,
50.0 mg/kg, and 250.0 mg/kg of feed leads to a significant increase in the Krebs index, leukocyte intoxication
index, leukocyte shift index. This indicates changes in the functional activity of the immune system with the
activation of the humoral immune system and decompensation of endogenous intoxication caused by the
toxic effects of bromine. The significant decrease in the leukocyte index, neutrophil-monocyte ratio index,
lymphocyte-monocyte ratio index, allergy index, and immunoreactivity index indicates a disruption in the
interaction between the affective and effector links of immunity. This could potentially lead to cytokine
deficiency, a reduction in the level of phagocytic defense, and an increased risk of immediate hypersensitivity.
laying hens; sodium bromide; blood; leukocyte formula; integral leukocyte indices.
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