V. V. Geiko
SI «P.V. Voloshyn Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and
Narcology of National Academy of Medical Sciences of
Ukraine», Kharkiv, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz70.06.063

Experimental studies of behavioral disorders due to the consumption of psychoactive substances through their realistic
modeling by laboratory animals is becoming more and more
relevant against the background of the inevitable psychogenic
imperative associated with the war in Ukraine. In this aspect,
emotional behavior is the resulting factor that generalizes and
accompanies the mechanisms of psycho-emotional disorders,
which are considered the most common mental diseases in the
world. Under conditions of ethanol consumption ad libitum,
with the use of ethological observation methods, we studied
the character of the emotional response of non-linear white
rats of young reproductive age in unusual stressful situations
of the “elevated plus-maze”, “dark-light chamber” and “ tail
fixation”. The aim was to study the effect of long-term alcoholization on the level of anxiety and tendency to depressivelike behavior in animals, depending on the severity of alcohol
motivation according to the ethanol preference index and the
average daily individual dose of its consumption. As a result of
a complex analysis of the behavior of rats with different levels
of alcohol motivation under the conditions of free access to
ethanol, it was found that there is no significant modulation of
emotional activity. This indicates its stability or inertia, which,
combined with improved cognitive functions, often negatively
impacted by the neurotoxic effects of ethanol, and an increase
in grooming behavior as a correlate of adaptive/compensatory
manifestation of emotional stress, highlights the importance of
considering age-related emotional and behavioral characteristics in the development of alcohol dependence mechanisms.
nonlinear rats of young reproductive age; alcohol consumption ad libitum; preference index; alcohol motivation; neuroethological studies; anxiety-phobic state; depressive-like behavior.
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