М.М. Kondro1, B.М. Vervega1, Т.І. Halenova2, О.М. Savchuk2, М.Ya. Spivak3
- Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine
- Educational and Scientific Centre «Institute of Biology and
Medicine» at Taras Shevchenco National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
- D. K. Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine

One of the causes of obesity is the body’s energy imbalance.
The aim of our work was to investigate the serotonin system
in the brain tissue of rats with glutamate-induced obesity
and its correction with nanocrystalline cerium dioxide.
The research was conducted on 30 white rats, divided into
3 groups of 10 animals each: 1st − intact control, 2nd −
simulation of obesity by administration of monosodium
glutamate to neonatal animals, 3rd − correction of obesity
using nanocrystalline cerium dioxide against the background
of neonatal administration of monosodium glutamate. To
confirm the presence of obesity, at 4 months of age, rats were
weighed, naso-anal length was measured, and Lee’s index was
calculated. It was found that rats after neonatal administration
of monosodium glutamate developed obesity, and the content
of serotonin in the brain decreased by 72.9% compared to the
control. The content of tryptophan, a precursor in the synthesis
of serotonin, in rats with glutamate-induced obesity was 93.3%
lower compared to controls. Tryptophan hydroxylase activity
in the brain of rats with glutamate-induced obesity tended to
decrease, and tryptophan decarboxylase activity increased by
65.9% compared to the controls. The activity of monoamine
oxidase in the brain of rats after neonatal administration of
monosodium glutamate increased by 41.7% compared to the
control, which indicates enhanced degradation of serotonin.
Indoleamine-2,3-dehydrogenase activity in the brain of rats
with glutamate-induced obesity increased by 122.2%, this
evidences activation of the alternative kynurenine pathway of
tryptophan metabolism in the brain. This may also be one of
the reasons for the reduced serotonin content in the brains of
rats with glutamate-induced obesity. Periodic administration
of nanocrystalline cerium dioxide to rats after neonatal sodium
glutamate administration prevented obesity and led to an
increase in serotonin and tryptophan content in the brain by
171.6% and 72.7%, respectively, a decrease in tryptophan
decarboxylase activity by 15.1%, an increase in monoamine
oxidase activity by 60.7% and a decrease in indoleamine2,3-dihydrogenase activity by 17.7% compared to rats after
neonatal sodium glutamate administration. We conclude
that the serotonin system is involved in the development of
glutamate-induced obesity, and that periodic administration
of nanocrystalline cerium dioxide significantly improves
serotonin metabolism parameters.
monosodium glutamate; obesity; brain; serotonin; nanocrystalline cerium dioxide
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