Peculiarities of the Age-Related Changes in the Organization of Brain Activity of Servicemen, Which Determine the Functional Motility of Nervous Processes
O.I. Podkovka, M.Y. Makarchuk, N.B. Filimonova, I.V. Pampuha, M.M. Nikiforov, V.M. Loza, K.O. Kravchenko
- ESC “Institute of Biology and Medicine” of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Ukraine

One of the individual-typological qualities of a person characterizing the processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system is the level of functional motility of nervous processes (FMNP). The
degree of its development largely determines individual differences in adaptive capabilities, the speed of
orientation in new conditions, and the ability to adapt one’s behavior to changing environmental factors.
Therefore, this characteristic is crucial for professional selection and monitoring of professional efficiency.
Our work aimed to determine the level of FMNP in three age groups of representatives of different military
specialties and to study the peculiarities of the functioning of neural networks in the brain that are formed
during the FMNP test. During the original computer tests to assess FMNP, electroencephalograms (EEG)
were recorded with subsequent coherent analysis. Group 1 (18-23 years old) had the lowest level of FMNP
and differed significantly from group 3 (35-54 years old). A coherent analysis of EEG showed that the neurophysiological basis for a higher level of FMNP during passing tests for its determining by the participants
of the group 3 could be a higher level of motivation and selective attention to visual stimuli due to δ-band
coherence in the fronto-parietal regions, better synchronization of the distant neural clusters due to the
developed neural network in the θ-band (in the parietal, fronto-parietal and temporal-central areas), higher
level of the occipital-central (i.e. visual-motor) integration and blocking of distracting information due to
more connections in α-band range. Since most differences were found in the α-band, it could be assumed that
the α-activity is of crucial importance for the successful passing of the FMNP test by the older age group.
Key words: functional motility of nervous processes; coherence; neural networks; electroencephalogram;
age-related changes.
Functional motility, nervous processes, neural networks, EEG coherence, age-related changes
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