Pathophysiological features of acute liver failure caused by cholestasis
I.V. Kolosovych, I.V. Hanol, Y.O. Nesteruk
- Bogomolets National Medical University, Department of Surgery No. 2, Kyiv, Ukraine

Acute liver failure is a syndrome that occurs in 20-59% of patients with liver pathology and is one of
the main causes of death in 40% of patients with mechanical jaundice of benign origin and in more than
70% of cases of tumor obstruction of the biliary tract and cancer of caput pancreas. In most cases, the
syndrome is a consequence of acute liver damage (viral or drug-induced). Still, it can occur with longterm obstructive jaundice, be the first manifestation of Wilson’s disease, autoimmune chronic hepatitis, or
superinfection of the hepatitis D virus against the background of chronic hepatitis B. The aim of the work
was to study the pathophysiological features of the development of acute liver failure in patients with bile
outflow disorders. The pathogenesis of acute liver failure caused by cholestasis is based on the damage
and death of hepatocytes due to impaired blood circulation in the liver, as well as the toxic effect on the
parenchyma of both the etiological factors themselves and their metabolites. The first week from the onset
of symptoms is very important and usually accompanied by a systemic inflammatory response syndrome
with significant consequences. At the same time, the main factors influencing the results of treatment of
patients at different points in time are the combination of the critical functional reserve of the liver and the
nature and severity of liver damage. In the case of the development of a systemic inflammatory response
syndrome, there is a further increase in inflammation, which has a systemic nature and leads to the failure
of other organs. Under these circumstances, understanding the pathophysiological features of the course
of acute liver failure makes it possible to carry out the necessary diagnostic measures on time and offer
appropriate therapy.
acute liver failure; cholestasis; cirrhosis; hepatitis; pancreatic cancer
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