O.V. Sachynska, O.A. Faliush, I.G. Perchyk, A.A. Lymareva, A.G. Reznikov
SI “V.P. Komisarenko Institute of Endocrinology and
Metabolism, National Academy of Medical Sciences of
Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine

Adolescence is one of the critical periods of individual development, which is highly sensitive to changes caused by
stress factors. Stress-related hormonal imbalances can negatively affect puberty and reproductive function. The aim of the
study was to investigate the long-lasting reproductive effects
of chronic pubertal stress in rats. Animals were subjected to
immobilization stress daily from 30 to 45 postnatal day by
placing them for 1 h in cylinders 4.5 cm in diameter and 10
cm in long, equipped with breathing holes. The timing of puberty in animals was studied and their somatic development
was assessed. Further studies were conducted in 6-month-old
sexually mature rats. The results were compared with the
corresponding parameters in intact animals. Pubertal stress
delayed sexual maturation in females and decreased weight
gain in males. In adult animals of both sexes, pubertal stress did
not change testosterone levels or the weight and morphology
of the gonads significantly, except for minor vacuolation of the
spermatogenic epithelium. The spermatogenesis index in the
experimental group was significantly lower than in the control,
due to a decrease in the number of late spermatids. Pubertal
stress led to a 25.9% decrease in the number of spermatozoa in
epididymal washes, an increase in the number of their pathological forms and a 2.4-fold slowdown in oxidative-reductive
processes in spermatozoa. The content of malonic dialdehyde
increased in the testes and ovaries, which indicates the activation of lipid peroxidation. Thus, chronic pubertal stress led to a decrease in the reproductive potential of male rats. Females
are less susceptible to the negative effects of pubertal stress.
stress; puberty; rats; males; females; reproductive system.
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