Effects ofthermal injure on reactivity of neuroendocrine system
E.F. Barynov E.Ya.Fystal A.E. Barynov N.N. Bondarenko S.V. Zyablintsev
M.Gorky Medical University, Donetsk

To study reactivity of hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenal
system to stress in patients with thermal skin burns
we determined the content of cortisol in blood, chemosensitivity
of glucocorticoid receptors on thrombocytes
and effects of dexamethasone infusions on these parameters.
In patients with normal reactivity of the
organism and increased initial level of cortisol its
content was shown to be increased by 34.1% in 2-3
hours after infusion of dexamethasone, but it decreased
in 5-6 hours and subsequently. In patients with low
initial level of cortisol dexamethasone caused prolongation
of the hormonal response (the level of cortisol
increased by 57.9% in 2-3 hours; by 27.1% in 5-6 hours,
and by 16.9% in 24 hours as compared to the initial
level), which is a manifestation of its modifying effect
on the reactivity of the system to stress. In these
patients decrease in chemosensitivity of glucocorticoid
receptors should be taken into consideration at analysis
of the inflammatory reaction owing to modifying effects
of steroid hormones on the cytokine production.
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2025.