Peculiaritiesin cardio-hemodynamics and endothelium-dependent vascular reactivity in highlanders
L.B. Doloman V.F. Sagach H.А. Kurdanov I.А. Beslaneev S.A. Bekuzarova
A.A.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology NationalAcademy of Science of Ukraine, Kiev

The present investigation was designed to study cardiohemodynamics
and endothelium-dependent vascular
reactivity estimated by the reactive hyperemia – one
of the endothelium-dependent vascular responses – in
55 healthy highlanders (2,200 m a.s.l.) compared
to 55 healthy lowlanders matched by sex, age, body
weight and height. Among the basic parameters of the
central hemodynamics and myocardium contractility,
there was revealed statistically significant increase in
diastolic blood pressure, stroke volume and blood flow
rate in the highlanders. The stroke volume increment
was stipulated by rising in myocardial contractile
activity. A mild hypertrophy of the myocardial ventricles and signs of pulmonary hypertension were
observed in the highlanders much more often than in
the residents of sea level. The endothelium-dependent
reactive hyperemia simulation revealed more pronounced
vasodilator responses in the highlanders. The peak
values of the forearm blood flow, both absolute and
relative, were significantly higher compared to those
in the lowlanders. The obtained results allow to make
a conclusion that continuous action of moderate hypoxia
causes strengthening in cardiac pump and contractile functions, increase in endothelium-dependent
vascular reactivity and widening the vasodilator reserve
due to increasing the production and/or release
of vasodilator agents, in particular nitric oxide. Such
widening of the vasodilator reserve might be considered
as one of the adaptive mechanisms of cardiovascular
regulation in extreme conditions.
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