The neoliguric form of the renal insufficiencyin the posthemorrhagic period
Yu. P. Spizhenko, A. V. Belyaev
O.O. Bogomoletz National Medical University, Kiev

At research of rules of deviations of the parameters homeostasis for patients with
bleedings we pursued to find dependence of the parameters of homeostasis from
function of kidneys. The researches were carried out in the early posthemorrhagic
period on an example of inspection of the patients who were operated concerning
gastrointestinal and intraabdominal hemorrhages. Is revealed, that the renal
insufficiency, which arose at 23,21 % surveyed, proceeded without oliguria — in
the neoliguric form. It was characterized by normal speed diuresis, despite of the
essential damages of the function of nephrone: infringement of a primary filtration
in glomerulus, reabsorption of water and electroytes in tubules, restriction of
excretion Н+. Normal diuresis in such cases was explained by the early and duly
beginning of the infusion therapy, owing to what, probably, the infringement of
passableness tubules was prevented. Despite of it, the patients with the damaged
function of kidneys require the careful control of spent therapy because of an
opportunity of dangerous deviations of the parameters homeostasis of norm.
Confirmation it became the reduction, fixed at such patients, clearаnce of
electrolytes, infringement of the extraction of acid by kidneys.
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