N.А. Broda1, О.І. Vishchur1, A.R. Mysak2, Y.Т. Salyha1, I.О. Matiukha3, D.І. Mudrak1, M.B. Masyuk1, K.B. Smolianinov1
- Institute of animal biology NAAS, Lviv, Ukraine
- Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies, Lviv, Ukraine
- PrJSC Enzym Company

The purpose of the research was to determine the activity of Tand B-cell specific protection in dogs 9–13 years old age with
benign and malignant tumors of the mammary glands to assess
the level of immune response to the pathological process.
Assessment of the activity of cellular factors of immunity has
been carried out by determining the number of T-lymphocytes
and their subpopulations and B-lymphocytes in the peripheral
blood of dogs in the reaction of spontaneous rosette formation
with ram erythrocytes. The clinical classification and
determination of the stage of breast tumors were carried
out according to the TNM system. The studies have shown
that the occurrence of breast tumor diseases in dogs has a
significant effect on the activity of T- and B-cellular link
of specific immunity mechanisms, especially the number
of T-lymphocytes and their populations in animals with
malignant neoplasia. In particular, in the blood of animals with
malignant neoplasia of the mammary glands, the number of Tlymphocytes (common and, especially, theophylline resistant)
decreases accompanied with an increase in the number of
T-suppressors, which is an important criterion for predicting
the course of the disease. These changes in the number of Tlymphocytes in the blood of dogs of the experimental groups
have led to a decrease in the amount of immunoregulatory
index, which indicates a decrease in lymphocytic activity.
In the blood of dogs with malignant neoplasia, a tendency to
increase the number of antigenic-dependent B-lymphocytes
has been shown. Similar changes, only of a lesser extent, are
also have been demonstrated in the blood of dogs with benign
breast neoplasia. Thus, the results of the research showed
that the development of mammary gland tumors in dogs was
accompanied by an immunosuppressive effect on the specific
defense mechanisms, especially the T-cell link of the immune
response in animals with malignant neoplasms.
dogs; breast tumors; T- and B-lymphocytes; immunological research; blood.
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