The influence ofextracellular pH on volume-activated chloride currentin the prostate cancer epithelial cells
Y. M. Vіtko N. C. Pogorela N. Prevars'ka R. Skryma Ja. M. Shuba
А.А.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology of NASU,International Center of Molecular Physiology ofNASU, Kiev,Laboratoire de Physiologie Cellulaire, Universitйdes Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France
The influence of extracellular pH on characteristics
of volume-activated chloride current, ICl,swell, in the
human prostate cancer epithelial cell line, LNCaP,
was studied using the patch-clamp technique. Acidification
of the extracellular hypotonic solution used
to develop the current shortened the temporal parameters
of ICl,swell development and reduced its maximal
density. Sudden shifts of the pH towards acidification
caused fast, transient potentiation of the current followed
by its sustained inhibition. Voltage-dependent
inactivation of ICl,swell was the most pronounced in
the narrow range of pH=6-7. Based on the analysis of
our data we hypothesize that volume-regulated anion
channels underlying ICl,swell possess in their structure
at least two pH-sensitive molecular groups with similar
pK=6, titration of which modulates the current
amplitude and two additional proton-sensitive groups
that determine channel’s inactivation.
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