Effect of L-tryptophan on the bone biophysical properties and oxygen consumption in rats with diet-induced obesity
O.G. Chaka, V.І. Nosar, А.S. Zinchenko, R.V. Yanko, М.І. Levashov
Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz68.06.060

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of L-tryptophan on the biophysical properties of bone tissue
and oxygen consumption in rats with diet-induced obesity. The study was conducted on 40 male 3-months-
aged Wistar rats. The photometric determination of phosphorus and calcium concentration in the femoral
bones was conducted. The rate of oxygen consumption was measured according to chronoamperograms.
The biophysical properties of femurs were measured by a methodic three-point bending test. It was shown
that the content of calcium (by 15%) and phosphorus (by 20%) was significantly higher in the femurs of rats
that received L-tryptophan (at a dose of 80 mg/kg per os) for 28 days compared to the control parameters.
The rate of oxygen consumption, density and biophysical properties of the femurs did not change. As a
result of the consumption for three months of a high-calorie diet (580 kcal/100 g) in experimental rats clear
features of obesity evolved. Thus, they had a greater visceral fat mass (by 145%), a visceral fat mass to
body weight ratio (by 122%), and an obesity index (by 145%). In rats with alimentary obesity, the calcium
and phosphorus content in the femurs was significantly reduced by 28 and 24%, respectively, and the rate
of oxygen consumption was 45% lower than in control animals. Femur bearing capacity, strength limit, and
stiffness were significantly lower, namely on 23, 11, and 37%, respectively. Administration of L-tryptophan
to rats, against the background of consumption of a high-calorie diet, inhibited the development of obesity.
Visceral fat mass and its ratio to body weight in this group of rats were 38 and 23% lower, respectively,
compared to the obese group. The concentration of calcium (by 32%) and phosphorus (by 25%) and oxygen
consumption rates (by 31%) were significantly greater compared to rats fed only the high-calorie diet. Our
research shows that the administration of L-tryptophan to obese animals can prevent the development of
negative changes in bone tissue.
obesity; visceral fat; femurs; oxygen consumption; biophysical properties; calcium; phosphorus.
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