The influence of polarized light on immune and cytokines status of patientswith bronchial asthma against a background of bronchomunal immunotherapy
P.L.Shupik Academy of Post-Graduate EducationMinistry of Public Health of Ukraine

The influence of polarized polychromatic light on immunocompetent
cells in complex with immunomodulated bronchomunal is studied. Data of content of
the main cytokines taking part in development of
inflammation are presented.It is cleared up that polarized
light increases the number of T-lymphocyties,
normalizes ratio of subpopulation of T-lymphocyties
and level of serum FNO-α and level of interleukin-4
reaches the level of healthy people.It is ascertained
that complex use bronchomunal and polarized polychromatic
increases level of serum interferon-γ.
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