P.M. Kovalchuk, T.A. Shydlovska
Kolomiychenko Institute of Otolaryngology NAMS of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine

We aimed to analyse voice signals in 40 patients with chronic
laryngitis elicited by exposure to chemical factors. We ex-
amined 20 people with catarrhal chronic laryngitis (group
1), 20 people with subatrophic chronic laryngitis (group 2)
and 15 healthy volunteers as controls. All subjects underwent
acoustic examination of the voice signal using the software
Praat V 4.2.1. We studied acoustic measures as follows: Jitter,
Shimmer and NHR (noise-to-harmonics ratio). The analysis
of the obtained data revealed statistically significant differ-
ences in the average values of Jitter and Shimmer measures, as well as in the ratio of nonharmonic (noise) and harmonic
component in the spectrum ( NHR) in patients with chronic
laryngitis (groups 1 and 2) compared with controls. In group
1 (chronic catarrhal laryngitis), the average values of acoustic
measures such as Jitter, Shimmer and NHR were as follows:
Jitter - 0.92 ± 0.1%, Shimmer - 5.31 ± 0.5%, NHR - 0.078 ±
0.04. In group 2 (subatorophic laryngitis), the average values
of acoustic measures were: Jitter - 0.67 ± 0.6%, Shimmer -
6.57 ± 0.7% and NHR - 0.028 ± 0.003. The obtained data
indicate a pronounced instability of the voice in frequency
and amplitude, a significant proportion of the noise component
in the spectrum of the voice signal in the examined patients
with chronic laryngitis exposed to chemical factors. The most
pronounced alterations were found in patients with catarrhal
chronic laryngitis. We conclude that the quantitative values
of spectral analysis of the voice signal Jitter, Shimmer, NHR
may serve as valuable criteria of the degree of voice impair-
ment. This may be helpful in determining the effectiveness of
rehabilitation measures.
acoustic analysis of voice, Jitter, Shimmer, NHR, laryngitis.
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