V.V. Kravchuk, G.Yu. Pyshnov, S.M. Pashkovsky, O.А. Yenа
Ukrainian Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz67.04.012

The aim of the study was to determine the characteristics of
the psychophysiological functions of 363 military and 110
civilian pilots by comparative analysis of the results of evaluating their values and the structure of correlation relationships.
The analysis of the obtained data was carried out using the
well-known methods of variation statistics and correlation
analysis. It was shown that among military pilots the best were
indicators of neurodynamic functions, attention and reliability
of task performance, and among civilians – orientation in
space and short-term memory. In the group of military pilots,
psychophysiological functions are fairly well correlated with
each other and are closely related to most of the personified
characteristics, forming 45,5 ± 6,1% of relationships of the
maximum number. Among civilian pilots, there are fewer
such relationships 24,2 ± 5,3%; there is no correlation between
psychophysiological functions and personified characteristics.
The regulation of possible negative shifts in psychophysiological functions and the reliability of mission performance
in military pilots is carried out primarily as a result of the
stabilizing effect of the balance of nervous processes and, to a lesser extent, the strength of nervous processes and orientation in space. Among civilian pilots, such regulation is fairly
evenly distributed between the balance of nervous processes,
attention, orientation in space, and short-term memory.
aviation medicine; psychophysiological functions; military and civilian pilots.
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2025.