Influence of irbezartane — antagonistof at-1 receptors for angiotensin ii on l-arginine metabolism in arterial hypertension
A.V. Kotsuruba E.P. Svyshchenko O.M. Buchanevich G.V. Kosyakova A.G. BerdyshevV.V. Radchenko L.A. Mishchenko N.M. Gulaya
A.V.Palladin Institute of biochemistry NationalAcademy of Science of UkraineM.D.Strazhesko Institute of cardiology Academy ofmedical Science of Ukraine
Effects of an antagonist of AT-1 receptors for angiotensin-II
(Ang-II) irbezantane on the NO-synthase
and arginase ways of the metabolism of L-arginine were
studied in plasma and erythrocytes of the patients
with arterial hypertension. The intensity of the non-oxidative
arginase way of L-arginine metabolism in
plasma and erythrocytes has been shown to be inhanced
at hypertension versus the normotensive patients,
while the activity of the alternative oxidative
NO-synthase way was reduced. Inhibiting AT-1 receptors
for Ang -II with high-affinity antagonist irbezantane
normalized the ratio between two alternative
ways of L-arginine metabolism through inhibiting the
arginase way and reciprocal activating the NO-synthase
way both in human plasma and erythrocytes.
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