I.M. Kovalchuk, M.Ya. Savytska
Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine
The historical outline of the Physiology Department in the
Medical Faculty of Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical
University (LNMU) dedicated to the 125 years anniversary
is presented. The department was founded by Adolf Beck at
1895. Professor Beck was not merely a scholar, with first-rate
credentials for having developed methods for the study of
the cerebral cortex and neurophysiology, but also a man of
great personal courage. Adolf Beck also worked in fields of
general physiology, such as visceral and sensory function and
laboratory medicine. He also arranged a local physiological
society and the Institute of Physiology of the university. He
did not receive the Nobel Prize despite being nominated
several times. His followers Wiktor Tychowski, Mechyslav
Wierzuchowski, were next heads of Physiology Department of
LNMU in the interwar time. The impact of Anatoliy Vorobjev,
Yakiv Sklayrov, Eugen Panasuk in Physiology and on the
development Physiology Department in second half of 20th
century is presented. The modern achievement of the Lviv
Physiological School is described too.
history of hysiology; physiology; Danylo Halytskyi Lviv national medical university; experimental medicine; science.
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