Effect of acetylcholineand adenosine triphosphate on membrane potential of the intact endotheliumof rat aorta in aging
M.N. Tkachenko V.V. Yarotsky S.M. Marchenko V.F. Sagach
A.A. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology NationalAcademy of Science of Ukraine, Kiev

Changes in the electric reactions of intact endothelium
of isolated rat aorta were studied in conditions of aging.
A value of resting membrane potential of endothelium
of old rats (24-26 mo) was significantly greater, than
in control group of animals (6 mo). In responses to
acetylcholine and ATP the old rats did not show a
typical course of reactions, which was peculiar to
control animals. Inability of old rats to produce a
typical response to acetylcholine and ATP may signify
a disturbance of links between endothelial cells, which
resulted in functional clusterization of the latter. The
data obtained suggest a possible mechanism of decrease
in production and release of potent vasodilator – nitric
oxide – due to changes that occur in the electric
properties of endothelium in aging.
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