Effect of avandamet on conditioned food reflex in rats of different age groups
V.A. Gorbachenko, Zh.O. Kruchenko, E.A. Lukyanetz
O.O. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, NAS Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz66.06.041

The prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is increasing in the absence of truly effective treatments. The
recently discovered causal link between AD and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) (non-insulin-dependent
diabetes mellitus) suggests that an increase in insulin receptor resistance may affect brain aging and lead to
AD. In our experiments, we tested Avandamet (AVD), the antidiabetic drug used for the treatment of T2DM,
on temporary parameters of conditioning food reflex in rats. We measured the individual components of the
sensorimotor reaction (SMR) of rats, which reflect CNS’s functional state. Important tha7t rosiglitazone is
the main component of AVD. It acts by activating the nuclear peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
(PPAR) gamma. Our data showed that this drug influences the brain function of both young and old rats. It is
proved that AVD affects the CNS of rats by increasing their excitability. Considering the obtained data from
the point of view of AD, the time parameter, which changed more significantly in old rats, was responsible
for analyzing the situation and speed of action. Under AVD’s influence, old rats became more agile and had
increased motor activity, also the success of rats in performing a conditioned reflex was increased. Thus,
the drug AVD and its active component rosiglitazone can be perspective for its testing in AD treatment.
Alzheimer’s disease; avandamet; behavior; conditioning reflex; food reflex; rats; PPAR; rosiglitazone
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