R.V. Yanko, O.G. Chaka, M.I. Levashov
O.O. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

We studied morphofunctional changes in the liver parenchyma
of young male Wistar rats after methionine administration. The
experiments were performed on 24 male 3 months old Wistar
rats. Animals of the experimental group, in addition to the
standard diet, daily for 21 days received methionine at a dose
of 250 mg/kg body weight. Histological preparations were prepared from liver tissue by a standard technique. Morphometry
was performed on digital images using the computer program
«Image J». Succinate dehydrogenase activity and protein concentration were determined in the suspension of hepatocyte
mitochondria. It was revealed that 21-day administration of
methionine led to hypertrophy of the hepatocyte nucleus, an
increase in the nuclear cytoplasmic ratio (by 13 %), the number of binuclear hepatocytes (by 94 %), the nucleolus in the
cell nucleus (by 17 %) and the relative area of the sinusoid
network (by 50 %). The increase in succinate dehydrogenase
activity and protein concentration was revealed in the suspension of hepatocyte mitochondria of the experimental rats. This
indicated an increase in the mitochondria energy potential and
protein-synthetic activity. The administration of methionine to
young rats was accompanied by the appearance of morphological and functional signs of the liver parenchyma synthetic and regenerative processes activation.
methionine; liver; rats.
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