Age peculiarities at experimentalhypothyroidism in rats
I.A.Gromakova S.Ts.Zilberman O.A.Konovalenko
Харків. нац. ун-т ім. В.Н.Каразіна М-ваосвіти та науки України
The rate of both the synthesis of liver and plasma
proteins and RNA-1 and RNA-2 polymerase activities
in liver were studied in rats of various ages at experimental hypothyroidism. There has been marked more
significant decrease in plasma protein synthesis with
age. Both the rate of liver and plasma protein synthesis
have been shown to be reduced at experimental hypothyroidism but synthesis of plasma proteins was inhibited to a greater extent. Considerable changes were
observed neither in liver and plasma protein synthesis
nor in the balance between these two groups of the
protein synthesis in old rats. RNA-1 and RNA-2 polymerase activities decreased at hypothyroidism. At all
ages the activity of bound enzymes decreased to a larger
extent as compared to free forms. The activity of RNA-polymerase 2 was more inhibited than that of RNA-polymerase 1. Reducing protein- and RNA-synthetic
processes in the liver with age correlated with the
peculiarities of the carbohydrate metabolism: in those
young animals with an impaired glucose tolerance the
inhibitory effect of hypothyroidism on the intensity
of protein and RNA synthesis was more potent as
compared to old animals.
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