dynamicsof proteins spectra of cattle blood plasma at neonatal ontogenesis in normand diarrhea
P.V.Tsvilikhovskii, M.I. Usatiuk, А.Aniefiok, D.O.melnichuk
National Agrarian University, Ukraine, Kiev
The contains of blood plasma protein fractions and
immunoglobulines were studied in adult cattle and in
new born calves (just new born and age of 1,2,5 and
10 days) by the 10% PAAG EP (0,1% SDS) and radial
immunodiffusion methods. It is shown that protein
bands of 140-160 kD and immunoglobulines (G1, G2,
M) are absent at the moment of birth. The physiology
level of ?-globulines and IgG1 reach at 1 day of life,
while IgM – at second. After colostrum breeding of
just new born calves the speed increasing of total
plasma protein and ?-globulines fraction are lowest
(in 2,7 and 1,7 times respectively) in diarhoea animals
in compare to the health one. The maximum level of
IgG1 concentration forms in disease animals only at
10 days of age. On the date obtained it is concluded
the presence such new born calves which have low
level of small intestine developing and disturbance of
immunoglobulines absorption.
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