І.M. Dovgan
Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz64.06.091
The structural and electrophysiological changes of the
peripheral nerve on 10th, 30th and 90th day after unilateral
stroke (posttraumatic intracerebral hematoma in
the right hemisphere) in the Wistar rats were studied.
Electrophysiological and morphological values of the left and
right nerves in rats after stroke with/without pharmacological
correction were compared. The electrophysiological study
has shown a statistically significant decrease in conduction
velocity of the sciatic nerve on 30th and 90th day of stroke.
The early structural changes in the nerve on the 10th day of
stroke (deformation and decrease the thickness and density
of nerve fibers) were registered in morphological study. The
progress of neurodegeneration on the 30th and 90th days (loss
of nerve fibers and the appearance of free Schwann cells)
was also shown. The greater level of degenerative changes
in the left sciatic nerve in comparison with the right nerve
was verified through the morphometric method. The sciatic
nerve conduction velocity on 90th day after the treatment
(quercetin and phosphatidylcholine) was significantly greater
compared with 30th and 90th days without treatment. The
increase in conduction velocity may indicate on the adaptive
and restorative changes in the nerve induced by treatment.
The results of histological studies have shown that a unilateral
stroke can induce bilateral neurodegeneration in the sciatic
nerve, and the proposed pharmacological treatment may
result in restore the conduction velocity in the nerve in the
long-term period.
intracerebral hemorrhage; neurodegeneration; sciatic nerve; nerve conduction velocity; morphometry
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