R.V. Yanko, O.G. Chaka, M.I. Levashov
O.O. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academy
of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Morphological changes in the pancreas and magnesium concentration
in the bones and blood of adult male Wistar rats after
daily administration of magnesium ions were studied. The rats
were divided into two groups (12 animals each): I – control,
II – rats, which daily (for 21 days) received magnesium chloride
in a dose of 50 mg / kg. At the end of the experiment we
observed a significant increase in the magnesium concentration
in the tibia, serum and erythrocytes in the experimental rats by
36, 16 and 17 %, respectively. It was found that administration
of magnesium chloride led to morphological changes in
the exocrine part of the pancreas, indicating an increase in its
activity. Thus, in the gland of experimental rats, we detected
exocrine cells of an increased size. The sizes of their nucleus
and cytoplasm as well as the number of nucleolus in the nucleus
were also increased. The influence of magnesium chloride
significantly increased the activity of the endocrine pancreas.
This was indicated by the following morphological changes: an
increase in the relative area of the endocrine part (by 19 %), the
size of the Langerhans islets, an increase in the number (by 54
%) and density (by 20 %) of the endocrinocytes housed in them
compared to the control. Thus, the obtained morphological
results indicate that the introduction of magnesium enhances
the exo- and endocrine function of the pancreas.
magnesium; pancreas
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