The antiproteinuric effect of ATP-sensitive potassium channel activator flocalin on the models of experimental nephropathies
N.D. Filipets1, A.I. Gozhenko2, O.O. Filipets1, O.A. Gozhenko2, V.M. Sirman2
- Higher State Educational Establishment «Bukovinian State Medical University», Chernivtsi, Ukraine
- State enterprise «Ukrainian Research Institute for Medicine of Transport of Ministry of Health of Ukraine», Odessa, Ukraine

In experiments on laboratory non-linear white rats with sublimate nephropathy (mercury dichloride, 5 mg/
kg subcutaneously) and hypoxic histohemic nephropathy (HHHN; sodium nitrite, 50 mg/kg subcutaneously
and 2,4-dinitrophenol, 3 mg/kg intraperitoneally) the effect of ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels
activation induced by flocalin (5 mg/kg intragastric administration, for 7 days) on kidney protein excretion
was studied. Flocalin use causes a decrease in standardized by glomerular filtration rate proteinuria:
by 4.5 times and 1.2 times in rats with both acute and chronic sublimate nephropathy; and by 1.6 and 2.1
times, simultaneously, under the conditions of hypoxic injury of nephrocytes. Antiproteinuric effect of flocalin
during both acute and chronic periods of nephropathy was accompanied by an increase in enzymatic
activity of alkaline phosphatase (by 18.1 % and 49.9 % – in rats with sublimate nephropathy; by 18.1 %
and 4 % – in rats with HHHN) and succinate dehydrogenase (by 36.3 % and 56. 7% in rats with sublimate
nephropathy; reaches control level in rats with acute НHHN and increases by 71.2 % in rats with chronic
НHHN) in kidney cortex. Conclusion was made about the nephroprotective effect of KATP-channels activation
induced by flocalin predominantly in the proximal part of nephrons.
KATP-channels activator flocalin; experimental nephropathy
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