Nanoceria alleviate oxidative and nitrosative stress in salivary glands glutamate-induced obesity rats
L.P. Hordiienko1, T.V. Beregova1, K.S. Neporada2, T.M. Falalyeyeva1, N.M. Zholobak3, O.B. Shcherbakov3, R.V. Bubnov3, M.Ya. Spivak3
- Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
- HSEE of Ukraine “Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy”, Poltava, Ukraine
- Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology, Ukraine

The aim was to study the effects of nanoceria on pro / antioxidant balance in the tissues of salivary glands
in glutamate (MSG)-induced obese rats. We included 48 Wistar rats of both genders and divided into four
groups, and conducted comparative assessment of intragastric administration of nanocrystalline cerium
dioxide at a dose of 1 mg/kg at the background of glutamate-induced obesity. We determined the total activity
of NО-synthase, the maintenance of nitrites, the content of TBA-reactive substances, the content of oxidative
modified proteins and catalase activity in the homogenate of salivary glands’ tissues of rats. Intragastric
administration of nanocrystalline cerium dioxide prevents impairment of pro/antioxidant equilibrium in
the tissues of salivary glands of rats on the background of MSG-indused obesity. Intragastric administration
of nanocrystalline cerium dioxide on the background of MSG-indused obesity significantly reduces
the total NO-synthase activity and the nitrate anions content in salivary gland tissues of rats compared to
the group of animals without correction. MSG-induced obesity leads to oxidative stress development in the
salivary glands of rats. Administation of nanoceria contributes to the correction of pathological changes
in salivary glands via restoring pro/antioxidant balance and preventing the activation of NO-ergic system.
nanocrystalline cerium dioxide; obesity; salivary glands; oxidative stress; obesity complications; monosodium glutamate; food additives; animal model.
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