A.I. Bereznyakova, V.F. Cheremisina
National Pharmaceutical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz64.01.066

A comparative study of the dynamics of pH of blood and saliva
of rats, as well as the concentration of calcium and inorganic
phosphate in mixed saliva during test loading is carried out.
A close correlation between the dynamics of the investigated
parameters was found in both sugar and carbamide loading.
The role of dismomeostasis of inorganic phosphate in the
pathogenesis of periodontal inflammatory diseases is shown.
The main diagnostic indicator of the violation of the acid-base
state (COS) of blood and saliva of rats during periodontal
diseases is the pH and excess or deficiency of the bases. With
sugar loading, there is an accumulation of acidic equivalents,
a decrease in the pH of the mixed saliva, the concentration of
inorganic phosphate and an increase in calcium concentration.
The most pronounced changes in rats with periodontitis, the
smallest - in rats with alveolitis. At urea loading, the phosphate
buffer system of saliva is involved, preferably, for correction
of COS at pH values lower than 6.0. The decrease in the
activity of phosphate secretion by salivary glands is due to
the development of alkalosis in the oral cavity of rats. In the
group of animals with gingivitis and alveolitis, the dynamics
of the time dependence of the concentration of inorganic
phosphate did not differ from the control, and in rats with
periodontitis, the preventive character of the stabilization of
the concentration of inorganic phosphate compared with the
pH was found.
acid-alkaline state; pH; gingivitis; alveolitis; periodontitis; test loads; rats
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