L.L. Vorontsova, M.I. Dub, V.A. Kovalenko
State establishment “Zaporizhzhya Medical Academy of Post Graduate Education Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine

The state of the cellular link of the immune system was
studied in 89 men aged 20 to 45 years without and with
reproductive disorders. All men underwent a comprehensive
study, including determining the level of fragmentation of
sperm DNA, the presence of toxocariasis invasion, as well
as evaluating the specific link of the immune system. We
observed multidirectional changes in the cellular link of
specific immunity, depending on the level of immunoglobulins
G against toxocariasis antigens, from hyperreactivity to
immunosuppression in infertility men. It has been established
that the number of fragmented spermatozoa is affected both
by the state of the immune system and by the residence of
men with a violation of reproductive function under adverse
environmental conditions. Thus, infertile men, who lives in
the territory of Zaporizhzhya and the region, are characterized
by violations of the immune status, and toxocariasis invasion
makes certain changes in the state of the immune system,
namely, in the cellular link.
cellular link of the immune system; toxocariasis invasion; fragmentation of sperm DNA; male infertility.
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