V.P. Fylymonenko, A.L. Zagayko
National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Effect of quercetin, epigallocatechin gallate and polyphenol
extract from grapes administration on the changes in
cholesterol metabolism in the rat blood serum under insulin
resistance was studied. The development of atherogenic
dyslipoproteinemia has been revealed: the accumulation of
total cholesterol (2.12 times) due to the increase of very low
density lipoproteins cholesterol content (1.75 times), the
decrease of high density lipoproteins cholesterol concentration
(2.6 times) and the increase of the atherogenic index (8.8
times) in animals on a high-fructose diet. The use of all
studied polyphenols normalized the indicators of cholesterol
metabolism in a different degree. Polyphenolic grape extract
showed more pronounced protective properties, obviously due
to the variety of composition and, accordingly, the mechanisms
of insulin resistance correction.
insulin resistance; cholesterol metabolism; grape polyphenols; quercetin; epigallocatechin gallate.
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