O.V.Denefil, І.R. Міts
SHEI “I. Ya. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine”, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz63.06.084

The effect of chronic postnatal stress on changes in autonomic
regulation of cardiac rhythm, the state of the pro- and
antioxidant system in 20 white, non-ostensibly sexually
mature male rats and 24 females at the age of 3 months were
studied. It was found that chronic postnatal stress in males rates
causes a compensatory decrease in the regulatory influence
of the sympathetic part of autonomic nervous system on the
sinoarthrial node of the heart (the moda increased by 12.2%),
they also changed automatism (heart rate decreased by 14.9%)
and conductivity (increasing the duration of PQ by 30.24%
and QTc by 7.78%), and in rats-females increased ventricular
repolarization (T wave amplitude increase by 39.4 %). In the
heart of the rats of both sexes exposed to stress, the processes
of lipid peroxidation were intensified and the activity of the
enzyme level of antioxidant increased, more significantly
in males rats (increased activity of superoxide dismutase in
18 times, catalase in 2,9 times), as well as enzyme link of
antioxidant system in blood (the content of ceruloplasmin
increased in 1.5 times, peroxidase activity increased in
15.9 times). Consequently, chronic postnatal stress causes
changes in autonomic regulation of cardiac rhythm, pro- and
antioxidant systems which are more pronounced in males rats.
Rats; stress; sex; heart; ECG, autonomic regulation; lipid peroxidation; antioxidant system
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