L.M. Plotnikova, V.Y. Berezovskyi, M.I. Levashov, O.G. Chaka, R.V. Yanko
O.O. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academy
of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
We investigated the effect of intermittent normobaric hypoxia (INH) of sanogenic level and melatonin (5 mg/kg) on locomotor
and emotional activity of young Wistar rats in the test «open
field». The animals were divided into two groups: with low
and high level of energy metabolism (LEM). Total locomotor
activity in rats with high LEM control group was significantly
lower by 17 % relatively low LEM rats. It was shown that joint
ingestion of INH and melatonin increased horizontal motor
activity by 22-38 %, decreased emotionality of rats in 2,5-2,7
times irrespective of their level of energy metabolism. In
animals with low LEM, hypoxia, both separately and together
with melatonin, increased the frequency (by 4,0 and 8,7 times,
respectively) and the duration of the grooming (in 1,7 and 4,9
times, respectively) compared with the intact group. After 28
sessions of INH in them, the weight of the body significantly
decreased by 10 % compared to the control. The combined
action of INH and melatonin activated the orienting and
research behavior of rats, reduced the level of anxiety, which
may indicate an anti-stress effect of such influence.
Key words:
Intermittent normobaric hypoxia; melatonin; level of energy metabolism; behavioral response
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