N.M. Shpakova, E.A. Semionova, I.F. Kovalenko, N.A. Iershova, N.V. Orlova
Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine

The effect of chlorpromazine on posthypertonic lysis of
erythrocytes was studied with the assessment of the temperature
dependence of morphological features of the cells. High
antihemolitic activity of chlorpromazine under conditions of
posthypertonic shock of erythrocytes was established at 0, but
not at 37°C. When chlorpromazine (600 μmol/L) was used, its
maximal antihemolytic activity amounted 77%. Erythrocytes
survived posthypertoniс shock and chlorpromazine (180 and
600 μmol/L), were subjected to subsequent heating (6, 15, 24,
34 °C). In the presence of 600 μmol/L chlorpromazine, the cells
changed their shape (from stomatocytes to spherostomatocytes)
and hemolyzed. When 180 μmol/L chlorpromazine was
used the red cells with the signs of stomatocytosis acquired
the features inherent to echinocyte forms, while the number
of cells was not decreased.
Human erythrocytes; posthypertonic shock; chlorpromazine; temperature; stomatocyte; spherostomatocyte; echinocyte.
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