N.P. Nischemenko1, V.O. Trokoz2, O.A. Poroshynska1, L.S. Stovbecka1, A.A. Еmelynenko1
- Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Ukraine
- National University of Live and Environmental Science of
Ukraine, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz63.05.034

The influence of supplementation of main diet with complex of
essential amino acids (L-lysine, DL-methionine, L-threonine
and Vitamin E) for hematological (RBC count, WBC count
and platelets) and reproductive (egg`s productivity, content
of carotenoids. Vitamins A, E and B2 in eggs) values of
Japanese breed quails was investigated. Four groups of birds
were formed. First group was a control one (birds got main
diet), and a second, third and fourth ones were experimental
(L-lysine, DL-methionine, L-threonine and Vitamin E were
supplemented to the diet in different dosages through 45 days).
Enrichment of main diet by the investigated biologically active
complex improves the RBC number in the blood of birds by
9.87 to 11.3 %. With supplementation of that complex egg`s,
the productivity is increased by 13.8 %. Concurrently, the
contents of carotenoid’s, Vitamins A, E and B2 in eggs were
increased that enhances its biological value. It can be assumed
that improvement of quantative values as well as biological
value of eggs are influenced by higher fermentative activity
of gastro-intestinal organs of birds, as a result of nutrients
from diets.
Quails; RBCs; WBCs; platelets; reproductive function; lysine; methionine; threonine; Vitamin E; egg`s productivity.
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