Free radical processesunder different oxygen supply conditions. the review
T. V. Serebrovskaya, O. S. Safronova, S. K. Gordiy
A.A. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology,National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev;I. Franko University, Ministry of Education of Ukraine, L’viv

Free radical processes (FRP) in mammalian organism are oxygen-depended. The
review is devoted to the analysis of pro- and antioxidant processes in mammalian
tissues under different oxygen supply conditions. There are described: sources of
free radicals; hyperproduction of FRP under hyperoxia and hyperbaria; the role
of free radicals in the adaptation to chronic hypoxia (high altitudes, barochamber,
chronic heart and lung diseases); production of active oxygen species during the
reoxygenation of preliminarily hypoxic tissues; FRP under intermittent hypoxic
training; role of FRP in the chemoreception of oxygen. The special attention is
paid to three main factors underlined the FR production in hypoxic conditions:
the speed of hypoxia increase, the degree of hypoxia and the time of hypoxic
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