Cardiovascular system work in dispatchers of electric networks under 12-hour shifts
N.A. Bobko
Institute for Occupational Health Academy ofMedical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev
Blood pressure, heart rate and haemodynamics pa-
rameters in dispatchers of electric networks were
studied in productive conditions under two days ro-
tation of 12-hour shifts (17 subjects, 1224 subject-
observations). It was revealed, that taking and giving
periods of the shifts activate cardiovascular system
work to the pronounced extent (significant increase
of blood pressure at the beginning and in the end of
the shifts and heart rate – at the beginning of the
shifts). That is accompanied with unfavourable changes
of bloodcirculation selfregulation (BCS): Predomi-
nantly heart BCS that is forming at the beginning of
the shifts, especially in the evening, gradually convert
towards the mainly vascular one, that is especially
pronounced after 8 hours of continuous working in
Н. А. Бобко
86 ISSN 0201-8489 Фізіол. журн., 2001, Т. 47, № 5
the day shifts. Significant predominance of the vas-
cular BCS is noted during second consecutive day
shifts, predominance of the heart BCS is noted during
second consecutive night shifts. This evidences the
difficulty of the second consecutive 12-hour shifts
to be maintained from the cardiovascular system.
Breaking of BCS, that is repeated systematically, can
promote forming of the steady unfavourable changes
of dispatchers’ cardiovascular system state.
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2024.