Specific gaba binding in the adrenals, and bloodand adrenal content of catecholamines under stress in intact rats and rats with inhibition offunctional activity of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis
T.M. Mishunina, O.V. Kalinichenko
Forced swimming of intact rats was accompanied by
an activation of the hormonal link in sympatho-adrenal
system and by a decrease in the level of specific binding
of 14C-GABA by adrenal plasma membranes; the former
was prevented with the administration of
GABAergic preparations (baclofen, GABA-taurine)
before stress. Under inhibition of the function of
hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis following
multiple hydrocortisone administration and, in presence
of developing metabolic disorders and adrenal secretion
of catecholamines, the latter reacted to stress by a
decrease in adrenalin, noradrenaline and dopamine
secretion without changing the intensity of specific
binding of GABA. Administration of GABAergic preparations
before stress prevented the development of
stress disorders of noradrenaline and dopamine secretion
partially or completely, and sodium thiosulphate
administration increased acutely specific binding of
GABA with adrenal plasma membranes simultaneously
preventing the accumulation of adrenal noradrenaline
and the decrease in blood DOPA level.
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