The effect of enterosorption on the local immune processes in a toxic lesion of the large intestine
Hnatiuk MS, Soroka NIe
Medical Institute, Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, Ternopil
The local immune homeostasis changed of the colon play a significant role in the pathogenesis of toxic colitis, induced by lead acetate. Chronic toxic colitis is accompanied by a considerable redistribution of plasmocytes-producers of the main immunoglobulins classes in the colon walls towards a primary IgA producers increase, a correlation between them and the local immune reactions tension and destabilization as well. Enterosorbent SCNP-2 influence on a pathological process in the colon under the chronic lead intoxication results in the local immune reactions improvement in the studied organ, its functional and structural elements impairment rate reduction as well as their adaptive properties increase.
© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2025.